Copyright ©  BellaBlue Berry Farm

It Looked Good On Paper. . .

When a North Florida Pine tree becomes paper, it looses its bark. So we give it a home. The Florida Highbush Blueberry thrives in an acid soil, and the pine bark is happy to provide it.  Truckloads of "waste" are re-purposed to a much greener pursuit when they become the thick bed of mulch our berries love.

How We Grow Them

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BellaBlue Berry Farm
and Winery

We all know that life presents us with many challenges and when you farm, those challenges come at you one after another.  Too much rain, a new plant disease, a bug that somehow found it's way to Florida, are just a few. How you deal with these challenges determines the quality of the fruit.

 We do our best to grow berries you'll love. The majority of our

fruit goes to grocery stores where it must meet high standards. We offer that same fruit to you at our farm stand. We set and monitor insect traps, we remove the things that attract those pests, and use a combination of conventional, natural, and biological products that work together to strengthen the plants natural defenses.That is the Integrated Pest Management System and is a part of our Good Agricultural Practices Plan.